Anco Lands is a private real estate development company located in Nassau, Bahamas with an extensive land portfolio on the Bahamian island of Great Abaco. Our primary focus is the development of our portfolio to contribute to the long-term appreciation of property values in Abaco. With that end in mind, we devote our resources and expertise to the strategic management, development and, when opportune, disposition of our properties.
The company holds roughly 1,900 acres of raw and serviced land in the form of 10 unique properties ranging from 27 to 600 acres in size, located in the two principal regions of current and projected expansion on the island. The portfolio includes world-class beachfronts, some of the highest elevations in Abaco, and properties with viable commercial, residential and marina uses.
Anco Lands also manages the 40-acre residential development Serenity Point, located directly adjacent to the multifaceted Schooner Bay Habour Village community.
We are a proud sponsor of the Bahamas National Trust, Ride for Hope, the Nassau Music Society and the Royal Bahamas Police Force Dependents Trust.